Lunatic Fringe Color Gamp Kits

Color gamps are a brilliant way to explore color interactions.  They will help you predict future color interactions and take the guess work out of project planning.  

These collections are also wonderful beginner stash kits for braiders, embroiderers, tatters, and small weaving such as inkle or card weaving!

 The 10 Color Kit: We have split our Tubular Spectrum™  color wheel in half to make this Petite Color Gamp Kit. This kit contains ten of our Tubular Spectrum™ , bright and brilliant colors to weave 4 color gamps!  

  • 3/2 Yarn, 1.5 oz cones. Each cone contains approximately 118 yards of yarn.
  • 5/2 Yarn, 1.5 oz cones. Each cone contains approximately 200 yards of yarn.
  • 10/2 Yarn, 1.5 oz cones. Each cone contains approximately 400 yards of yarn.
  • 20/2 Yarn, 1.5 oz cones. Each cone contains approximately 800 yards of yarn.

The 20 Color Kit: contains twenty of our Tubular Spectrum, bright and brilliant colors to weave 3 color gamps!

  • 3/2 Yarn, 1.5 oz cones. Each cone contains approximately 118 yards of yarn.
  • 5/2 Yarn, 1.5 oz cones. Each cone contains approximately 200 yards of yarn.
  • 10/2 Yarn, 1.5 oz cones. Each cone contains approximately 400 yards of yarn.
  • 20/2 Yarn, 1.5 oz cones. Each cone contains approximately 800 yards of yarn.

The 27 Color Kit:

Add value to your color exploration.  27 cones of color: 5 shades of gray, all 20 Tubular Spectrum™ colors, plus black and white make an expanded color and value gamp. The kit with 1.5 oz cones contains enough yarn and instructions to weave a beautiful, colorful shawl as well as a 40″ square gamp. Instructions are included for the 8 harness twill block pattern that makes these colors sing.

The Gray Matter Kit:

Five evenly spaced gray yarns along with black and white create a 7 value gradient study.  Use alone for a great study of value, or to highlight a color or double the gray yarns with a color to tone the color down incrementally.  All of the kits come with instructions to make 4 napkins.

DISCONTINUED- The T-N-T Collection

Add the new Tints and Tones colors to your stash.  With this collection, you will receive one cone of each of the 10 newest Tubular Spectrum™ mercerized cotton yarns.  These yarns were designed to go with the original Tubular Spectrum™ colors, and they are ready to play with your color palette to bring it to new heights. It’s a color explosion!

One cone of each color comes in the collection.  You choose the yarn size: 3/2, 5/2, 10/2 or 20/2 and the size of the cones: 1.5 oz

The colors included with the TNT II Collection are Butter Yellow, Kelp, Sky Blue, Sea Green, Tangerine, Thyme and Verbena.

Collections: Frontpage, Perle Cotton, Weaving Kits, Yarn

Type: Yarn

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