Andean Pebble Weave on Inkle Looms by Laverne Waddington
Andean Pebble Weave on Inkle Looms by Laverne Waddington
This book on Andean Pebble Weave is aimed specifically at weavers who use inkle looms and particularly at those who are beginners in pick-up weaving!
Although there are unlimited possibilities for weaving beautiful bands in plain weave on inkle looms, perhaps you are now ready to add some motifs to your bands….geometric patterns and little animal figures sitting on an attractive pebbly background. With the experience of warping your inkle loom and weaving plain-weave bands behind you, you can now venture into the world of pick-up patterns with methods that have been designed specifically for your kind of loom and your level of experience.
The Andean Pebble Weave structure with its characteristic spotted background, is woven in the highlands and lowlands of Bolivia on looms that bear no resemblance to an inkle loom. Highland weavers have at least one end of the warp attached to their bodies. In lowland Bolivia, vertical frames are used as looms. The author has seen and studied these lovely patterns being produced using four distinctly different methods and she brings aspects of each of these to the methods she presents, taking into account the particular characteristics of the simple, yet versatile, inkle loom.