Louet Drum Carder Standard
Louet Drum Carder Standard
The Louët Standard carder is a workhorse. With a width of 7 1/2 inches, fleeces of up to approx. 80 grams can be carded. Mixing colors and fibers is also easy on these carders.
The carder is available in 46 tpi (teeth per square inch) and 72 tpi. If you are mainly going to card coarser wool or greasy fleece, it is best to go for 46 tpi. If you mainly carding finer fibres, the carder with 72 tpi is most suitable.
The carding cloth is made of nickel-plated steel wire on a bed of cotton and natural rubber, which gives very good longevity. The frame of the carder is made of waterproof glued birch plywood with a white HPL top layer. The rollers are driven by a closed gear system. As a result, the carder requires very little maintenance and this keeps fiber from getting caught up in the gears.
The carder is delivered fully assembled so you can get started right away.
Included with the carder are:
- instruction manual,
- the card booklet written by Deb Menz,
- cleaning brush,
- doffer pin
- table clamps.
In carders, as a rule, the speed differential between the rollers is stated. For the Junior carder it is 4:1. However, more important for the effectiveness of the carder is the difference in surface speed between the large and the small roller. To calculate this, multiply the speed differential by the ratio of the diameters of the two rollers. For the Standard Carder, this speed ratio is 9:1.